Alien Stagecraft Symbol Pack 1

User built Magicsheet Symbols available for download
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Alien Stagecraft Symbol Pack 1

Post by Mothership » Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:30 pm

Version 1 of my generic Symbol Pack
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Re: Alien Stagecraft Symbol Pack 1

Post by John728 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:26 am

Thanks for making these symbols available. I've been using them a lot.

The gray and colored areas in the symbols become transparent/semi-transparent if the object is linked to intensity. Also, the gray areas in the user-defined symbols responds in reverse- it becomes darker as the channel increases in intensity. This makes it confusing to look at a symbol and know whether the channel is on or off.

I don't know if this is intentional, a mistake on your part, or just due to the Eos software being updated since you made the symbols. At any rate, I fixed one of them by getting rid of the gray areas. If I decide to do more, I'll post them.
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